With Thanksgiving tomorrow and the holiday season in full swing. It's natural to think about all the wonderful things that have happened over the past year and to give thanks.
1. First and foremost the love of family and dear friends near and far, past as well as present. Their support and enthusiasm has always encouraged me to be creative and strive for greater.
2. My husband and I decided to not to sell our house and move to a new location but instead to add life two our existing home in Auburn, so we began renovations. We really fell in love with Auburn with all the wonderful recreation trails in the area, the people and the close proximity to easily hop on the highway and go in almost any direction quickly.
3. The renovations that are about begin on my studio! Stay tuned a blog will be posted soon to show the renovations. This is a dream for many years… no actually a life time! and I'll finally have a space where I can invite people over to have portraits, family photography in a nice comfortable controlled space.
4. I added 3-D capabilities to my work by including a Matterport camera. The camera work is most notably known for creating virtual walk-through tours and it's used a lot for real estate and the AEC community. The camera also creates .obj files and If I get a little downtime this winter one of my goals is to learn how to edit the files in 3-D programs. This technique is being used to isolate items like sofas or dining tables and use them for virtual staging.
5. I created a webpage for my fine art. Stay tuned more news to follow on this one!
6. In 2018 I felt it was important to set set aside time for me to be an artist. I tried my best to dedicate one day every month to photograph fine art and to soothe my soul as artist.
7. I was asked to teach an adult education course on Understanding Your DSLR Camera. The class starts in January. I'm really looking forward to meeting new people in the community and helping them understand their cameras. I love teaching because it's really gratifying to see my students grasp what I teach and then use the knowledge for their own enjoyment or for work.
8. I'm grateful that I completed the Professional Photographers of America Certification and I am grateful for the people who participated this in this endeavor, it was a big task.
9. My next project for this morning is to edit some photographs from a beautiful family wedding. I do not market myself as a wedding photographer but when the groom who I used to work with asked if I could photograph his wedding I was more than pleased to be their photographer. What a beautiful family, what a beautiful story. I was very grateful to be there.
10. I'm truly grateful for all the people I worked with this year. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to create images for you.